Milk Bun Bagels
One of the most loved street foods in Jerusalem, the Old City Bagel. Covered with sesame seeds and served and a sprinkle of Za’atar. Perfect for picnics and best when eaten with a dollop of labneh, hardboiled egg and falafel.

Serves 2-4
2.5 Hours (includes proving)
15 Mins Cooking
Forkin’ Hard
500g Bread flour
1/2 tbsp. Sugar
20g Fresh Yeast / 9g Dry Yeast
1 tbsp. Salt
40ml Sunflower Oil
300ml Cold Milk
The Dough:
- Dissolve the yeast in the milk
- Using a kitchen aid (otherwise by hand), mix the milk & yeast, then add the rest of ingredients, flour, sugar, and salt.
- Mix at a low speed for 4-5 min, then a medium speed for extra 4 -5 min.
- Move the dough to an oiled container, cover with a lid or a kitchen cloth. After 30 min, fold the dough and shape as ball, repeat this action twice. This action will give the dough more structure. Rest for another 30 min.
Cutting & Shaping the Dough
- Cut into 8 units. Shape the portioned dough into balls. Let it rest for 15 mins.
- Flatten each ball and roll it a tube-like small baguette and tapered the end. Press the two ends together, kneed gently and create a ring shape bagel.
- Dip in water and coat with white & black sesame seeds or other toping as you love.
- Prove outside for 45 min.
- Pre heat the oven to 185 C and bake for 15 minutes.
- After baking is done leave on the Bagels to cool if you can resist the smell!